
Restaurant Booths

15 Feb 2023

Booths - an excellent seating alternative for your venue. Create a more intimate dining experience for your customers by giving them a sense of comfort and privacy, sat away from the main hustle and bustle of the dining area.


A Plusher, Softer Option

Booths have the capacity to elevate your dining area in terms of aesthetic and design. Offering a plusher, softer seating option with a degree of privacy can really make an impact on your venue - no to mention adding a classic look whilst being able to divide a room into sections.

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Kick-back & Enjoy

Booths also have the ability to create less traffic in your dining space, whilst also eliminating the need for waiting staff to walk round all four sides of a table. A softer area where your diners can kick-back and enjoy a relaxed dining experience will keep drawing customers back time and time again.


Cosy, Quieter Corners

Booths are usually padded and most often will be seen upholstered in leather to give a more luxurious feel to your dining space. Cosy, quieter corners away from the busier dining areas can be created and are perfect for couples or smaller parties.

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Single Or Double Options

Pub Stuff's classic plain back double booth seating offers a clean and elegant look. Available in either single or double options and in 3 beautiful cowhide faux leathers; Espresso, Tan and Bordeaux. The booths are available as single's or doubles and are sure to transfer your space into a modern, comfortable setting.

 Images shown are for dialogue purposes and not always directly associated with Pubstuff.


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